
Personal branding guides

Three simple steps to help you elevate your business branding photography

Showing the world what you do with headshot or business branding photography for some is straightforward. But for many, it’s uncharted territory and it can be so uncomfortable they avoid it altogether. People buy from people. So the initial connection you create with an engaging image is essential if you want to encourage the reader to find out more about…
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Business photography female podcast host wearing a bright orange outfit talking to a guest

Personal branding photography for Bristol businesses

You may know Laura Summerhayes, Bristol based wordsmith from Great Copy Matters. Laura’s known for creating engaging copy and helping businesses show what they do best. 2021 kicked off an exciting new side project for Laura with the launch of her podcast The Ordinary Extra, where ordinary people have an opportunity to share the extraordinary moments in their life. I…
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Personal branding photo of Bristol based blogpost host with colourful background and text overlay

Personal branding photography near Bath with Rachel Woods of Coach in Nature

Rachel Woods of Coach in Nature recently launched her business with a clear vision and a refreshing style of coaching. With an investment in personal branding photography, Rachel now has a selection of images that reflect her unique approach. With a background in HR, an accredited coach and expertise in coaching supervision, Rachel is quickly creating a unique place in the coaching…
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Personal branding photography of female coach exploring nature near Bath