
Who is personal branding photography for?

Personal Branding Photography, Personal Branding Photography FAQ
Female business photography of young woman having a relaxing neck massage

I normally recommend personal branding photography for small business owners. If you run your own small business and you get to talk to and work with your customers, then personal branding photography is perfect for you.

Most of us have a headshot that we use as a profile picture on LinkedIn and our social media sites, but a headshot will only take you so far. It’s perfect for that initial connection so people can recognise you, but you don’t have the space in a headshot to show your personality or tell a story about what you do.

With personal branding photography, we start to introduce more storytelling. We’re showing your ideal client who you are and what you do. We’re inviting them into your world so they can start get to know you better.

The images you show are just one element of your personal brand, but it’s essential those images sit comfortably with your tone of voice, your branding and the copy on your website.

Personal branding photography is perfect for makers, creatives, health instructors, financial advisors, legal professionals, business coaches, virtual assistants or any profession where you’re an intrinsic part of your brand and you’re working with your customers.

If you have a few minutes, have a think about your business.

What stories could you tell and how you could showcase what you offer with your personal branding photography.

If you’d like to find out more about creating your branding photos, I’ve written a series of personal branding photography FAQs. Clients often ask me these questions, so I hope you find them helpful.

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